"Bob's Burgers" is an adult animated sitcom on FOX and Hulu, and also happens to be one of my favorite series! My prompt was to choose a show and create a new repackage for my senior branding class. My toolkit includes a new title sequence, in bump, out bump, lower thirds, a transition to be used in the show, and social media promotion in various layouts to fit different screens/social media aspect ratios.
*All assets are animated and created by me, including the character animation during the title sequence. The clips with dialogue are from the actual series to show how the toolkit would be utilized.
Full Compilation
Title Sequence
In Bump
Out Bump
Lower Thirds
Socials Alert: New Episode
Adobe Illustrator ; Used to create vector graphics.
Adobe Photoshop ; Used to illustrate backgrounds and characters.
Adobe After Effects ; Used to build and composite assets, keyframe animate characters and assets, and sound mixing.
Title Sequence Ideation
The title sequence will follow a burger’s journey from the kitchen to the customer’s table. As the burger makes its way to the customer, the plate is carried one at a time by each member of the Belcher family without revealing the character’s face. This allows me to “tease” the audience about the characters appearance, and focus more on their personalities. The characters personalities will be revealed through how they hold the plate.
Style Frames 
Creating the style frames involved a lot of image hunting of the backgrounds used in the show, and often resulted in me having to recreate them from scratch (Specifically Bob, Gene, Tina, and the menu's backgrounds). I had to do a lot of character design research as well, like how does Linda move? How would Gene hold the plate? Capturing the original style was a satisfying challenge to tackle.
Out Bump storyboard
Creating the toolkit was what made me realize, "Wow, I really love working on branding!". It was fun exploring different ways to take FOX's logo and pre-established look and giving it a "Bob's Burgers spin".

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